Sexto, Luis Felipe (2006) The Noise Emission and Immission Levels in a Thermoelectric Power Station. In: Advances in vibration control and diagnostics. Polimetrica Publisher, Italy, pp. 227-234.
Sexto, Luis Felipe (2006) Overview and Characterization of a Flexible Rotor for Trial Run. In: Advances in vibration control and diagnostics. Polimetrica Publisher, Italy, pp. 235-246.
Marín, Evelio Palomino and Rodríguez, Ángel Sánchez and Gómez, Jesús Cabrera and Cabrera, Luis Felipe Sexto (2006) Preliminary Diagnosis of Rotational Machinery. Experiences in the Implementation of a Predictive Maintenance Program and Certification of Human Resources in a Cuban Cement Industry. In: Advances in vibration control and diagnostics. Polimetrica Publisher, Italy, pp. 177-184.

This volume presents some up to date concepts and results in the field of vibration control and diagnostics of mechanical systems, obtained in research activities performed in the Departments and laboratories of the universities taking part in the VICONDIA network. The VICONDIA project developed in the frame of the ALFA II Program for the cooperation between European and Latin American universities, funded by the European Commission, has promoted tight cooperation in the research activities in the field of dynamical behaviour of rotating machinery including noise emission, vibration control of mechanical structures, and related diagnostics. A selection of the main results in form of papers, originated by these research activities, is reported in the volume, which therefore contributes to describe the state of art of the activities in the above defined field.